General Information

If you are thinking about joining Pack 97, here are some common questions and answers.

Cub Scout Basics

If you are not already familiar with Cub Scouts, don’t worry! This 4-minute video covers the basics:

In a nutshell, Cub Scouting is an opportunity for your whole family to experience new adventures that will develop your child’s character, leadership, citizenship, and personal fitness. Your child will have fun and learn with peers, adult leaders, and you!

These resources provide a more complete introduction:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a charter organization?
A charter organization is a community entity that chooses to create, host, and support a Cub Scout group over multiple years. Schools and churches often act at charter organizations. Our charter organization is the Capitol Area Council.

What is a Cub Scout pack?
A pack is the large group of families that participate in Cub Scouting at a single location. (more) Our pack has about 50 youth members.

What is a Cub Scout den?
A den is a small group of Cub Scouts that are the same grade level. (more) Each of our dens has around 5-10 members. Typically, we try to keep all scouts of the same grade level in 1-2 dens.

What are the different ranks for Cub Scouts?
There are names for the ranks for each grade level: Kindergarten = Lions, First grade = Tigers, Second grade = Wolves, Third grade = Bears, Fourth grade = Webelos, Fifth grade = Arrow of Light.

New scouts can join at any time; you do not need to earn previous ranks to earn the rank for your grade level.

When and where does Pack 97 meet?
Pack meetings are held approximately once a month on Sunday afternoons for 1-2 hours. We often meet in the Holy Family Catholic School gymnasium; we occasionally schedule meetings at a local park.
Den meeting schedules and locations are different for each den. Expect 1 or 2 den meetings per month (in addition to the pack meeting), about 1 hour each.

Can girls join or just boys?
Our pack is open to boys and girls!

For all scouting activities, there is a requirement to have “2 deep leadership” – that is 2 registered adult leaders must be present. For dens with girls there is a requirement to have at least 1 registered female adult leader present. We always appreciate more male and female adult volunteers, so feel free to reach out to the leaders with any interest. Maybe you can join with your scout!

Does my child have to attend Holy Family to join? Do we have to be Catholic?
Our pack is open to all youth. You do not have to attend Holy Family and you do not need to be Catholic.

Our Pack has strong ties with Holy Family since it is our founding organization, so a super-majority of our families attend school there and have strong Catholic values. However, some of our current members are not Holy Family students, so don’t worry about being the first! We are happy to welcome any scout, but we can also refer you to nearby packs if you would prefer.

Are Parents/Guardians expected to volunteer?
Parents/Guardians are not required to volunteer, but are strongly encouraged to attend all events. Scouts learn better with more adult leadership to keep the material fresh and minimize distractions. For more involved activities, such as camping, parents/guardians are required to attend with their scout. It’s understandable if you cannot attend every activity with your scout, but we’d love to have you there. Most events are family-friendly, so there are several younger siblings / Future Cub Scouts running around!

How much does it cost?
Costs can vary, but we have tried to give families an accurate picture of what to expect in our cost breakdown.

Do I have to register now?
Not necessarily. We’d be happy to have you visit a couple of events before you and your child make a final decision. In addition, many Scouting events in our area are open to all youth, not just registered Cub Scouts. Since we must complete enrollment paperwork each year, we do tend to get a little more particular about your registration status around October. Keep in mind, though, that any activity your child does before registering cannot be counted toward advancements – and you don’t want to miss any of the fun!

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